Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Best online description of myself+ random stuffs about last night


"For those who don't really know me... Journal Entry: Sat Nov 17, 2007, 6:53 PM

Mood: Content
Listening to: Oh Gravity~ Switchfoot
Reading: Nothing at the current moment
Watching: Teh tired smileh... zzzzzz...
Playing: Nothin'
Eating: Nothing at the current moment
Drinking: The air

Hello. I am Aly, ConfusedShipper123, from the wonderful online Avatar fandom community, AvatarSpirit.Net. I am... ummm... short, XD, nearly five feet tall, with brown eyes, olive-ish skin, and dark brown, shoulder length hair. I come from a family of four, a younger brother, a mom and a dad, who manage me pretty well. I enjoy writing, watching certain animes, listening to music (typically music with meaningful *or not* lyrics...), drawing anime on paper, on Paint, at times, when it's NOT being evil, doing church youth group activities, singing, talking to my friends, (online and off, known physically and not), reading fanfiction, various realistic YA novels, and several fantasy/sci-fis, and especially, romance. I write things about real life, some dramas and tragedies, some comedy sprinkled here and there, and slight bits of fantasy, along with random things to express myself, and fanfictions.

I am empathetic, and often take on everyone else's problems, contemplating them, crying over them, talking about them, and trying to help the people who are in th situations that they are. I want to change the world, though I know how hard that is... I am a Christian, and proud of it. I want the world to hear His message, even if it is difficult to understand or believe at times.

I try to keep myself positive, and try not to let things get to me, and I know how difficult that can be. I want to know about how people think, and why they do the things they do. I want to see inside the minds of the people I know, or even don't know. I am constantly wondering about the thoughts of others, and the emotions that influence them at times.

My friends and I communicate quite a bit, and they are the people I communicate the best to at most times. We talk about everything. They're all amazing people... *hugz friends* Luff ya! We're all very unique people, with different ideas, different opinions, and a lot of the time, similar perspectives. Or not. *shrug* We're all very close, no matter what...

In the Future: I want to write. AND WRITE AND WRITE. I am determined to get SOMETHING of mine published. I want to influence people in a positive way. I've wanted to try out for American Idol since the show came out when I was probably in about 2nd grade er so, heheh... I'm not sure what will happen there, if it influences my life in a big way. I've got to confirm it's my 'calling', XD I also want to study pyschology, or something of the like...

Currently: I am thinking of a sci-fi type story that involves a corrupt 'government', and an evil man who wishes to take over the world, and his son, who does not in any way want to participate in the evil, cruel ways of his father, whom has put them upon him, and a girl who's mother was hypnotized by one of the people working for the evil man, and wishes to take her back. At this time, the population of the world is dropping rapidly, and some believe the erasing of one's birth is to blame. The world is being fooled by the 'government' and its leader, the evil man, who is hypnotizing people, taking those he would 'need' to complete his 'goal'... His son, however, has experienced several traumas from this man, and does not desire to follow his ideas, and decides to go back in time, to both erase his birth... and save his mother from a future she did not have to have. At the very same time, however, the girl, strongly believing that every human in that family, who caused her mother's mind to be in the hands of someone so evil, leaves to rescue her mom. Fate steps in, and the interference from two time machines, leaves them in an entirely different time... over one hundred years ago. 2007. The two main characters, are forced to change their life... and learn things about each other, themselves, and the place they live in, that they didn't know before.*I know it has some holes, this is just a teensy little description I have right now... i might post when I have it written*

Books that I REMEMBER reading in the year of 2007 (finished; in no particular order)
Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse ('The Twilight Series' by Stephenie Meyer
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
Firegirl by Tony Abbott
The Glass Menegerie by Tennessee Williams
Things Not Seen by Andrew Clements
Bridge to Terebithia by Katherine Patterson
A Corner of the Universe by Ann M. Martin
Cut by Patricia McCormick
The Afterlife by Gary Soto
The Supernaturalist by Eoin Colfer

Books that I am Currently Reading/Will return to eventually: Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson*, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, The Disappearing Girl: Learning the Language of Teenage Depression by Lisa Machoian*am reading officially; no star means book is 'dormant' in my head at the momentAnd that's all me for ya... I hope you know me bettar. ^^
Yours Truly,


Mind you, I wrote that in November. *sigh* Now, I'm not quite as confident. I slip and fall and all that. It's one of those days where I really wanna go and excercise and make myself feel better, however... I'm not. One of those days where I'm being really dumb and sitting on the computer all day, rather than being productive in other more productive ways....

Anyway, last night was amazing.

*remembercodenames; it's not just for the story, their names are now officially in code... we have way too many codenames, but... yah.*

Kris, Ella, 'Arisa', and I went to Target, which has a Starbucks in it, and is AMAZING, got coffee and met up with their friend... erm... 'J.R.'. And I met him! He's funny, he's smart, he has good taste in music. It was awesomely rockin'sauce. Best part: Running through Target while Frap-high, singing MCR songs with Kris and Ella and peoplez. It was amazering... <3333 I hope I get to do that again soon. *sigh* We were sitting in the corner table by the window in Starbucks, while people were coming in and out, and we were all laughing and talking and I was taking pictures... oh it was so fun. XDDDD Best two hours of my life. Well... of that week anyway. XDDD

I need to do something for my mommy. Cuz it is Mother's Day tommorrow and I am unprepared. D: