Friday, May 25, 2012

My friend is in the hospital...

Unimportant things occurred today as much as significant events. Then I read a friend's mother's Facebook status saying that this friend was in the hospital and "not doing good".

I haven't really spoken to this friend in a long time; far too long. We've never had anything against one another, nothing lasting anyway, but it had just been so utterly long. And I read this, in the midst of reading less important things, and I was stricken.

I think I'm recommitting myself to Christ now. I didn't last night at the concert, because I felt so certain of God and his presence, but I know how I've been living and the ways I haven't been acknowledging him and how far behind in spiritual maturity I have become. I commit myself back to Christ; He has my entire life. This life has never been for me.

And so I choose to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength--and love my neighbor as myself.

I don't know how this friend is doing. Her mother has not yet updated. But I admit, the moment I read it, I was terrified. I was full of questions and a million thoughts, trying to figure out everything about the situation, but the whole point is, that I don't know what's going to happen to my friend, but nor does her family nor the rest of her friends. All I know is that I must and we must pray. That's all that can be done. I hate not knowing, but that's all I can do. God knows what's going to happen, and I believe He is orchestrating or allowing everything that is going to happen and is happening in her life. I pray and pray and pray that she is alright.

I would appreciate if whoever reads this would also pray for my friend.