Friday, June 13, 2008

Random Update (Story Style)

New Characters:

Bethany- Rose's younger sister. She is one year younger than Rose and everyone, and is going into Seventh Grade after the summer.

Wes- Rose's younger brother. He is the same age as David, Kim's little brother, and just about as obsessed with online RPGs.

I am sitting here on the computer on a Friday, on the first day of that dorky carnival thing that happens every June in my tiny, midwestern town for three days out of the year, knowing well that my best friend, Rose, is already out of state and on her way to getting to her new house in Florida. She sent me pictures. Her room DOES look like a 'prep's', but I think it looks cool... but I'm sure it'll be cooler when she's done redoing it.

This summer, she's coming back up in July to go on the youth mission trip with out church to South Dakota for a week, but... the original plan was to have her come up for a little while before or after, so the gang could all get together again... but her mom was suggesting that I, and maybe even Kris, come down to Florida instead, and then bring Beth and all us back on a plane. Which would, I must admit, be ridiculously fun, but I'd feel guilty and almost selfish (especially if Kris couldn't come...) for not taking Rose back and hanging out with her here in Minnesota, so everyone could hang with her, and she could revisit. So I'm still leaning toward that option... but it's more the parent's arrangements now. Whatever they think works best. *sighness*

Or, maybe they'll let Rose choose... that'd sound cliche, but it'd be rockin'sauce. 8) Plus, during the mission trip, all the church-eh pplz are all about seperating us into different groups so we're basically FORCED into meeting new people... which I really don't mind, but I'd rather spend more time with Rose, considering she's going to be in Florida.

Depressing stuff. It really is... Kris and I always mention it at least once in our phone calls... we haven't let ourselves cry over it yet, though...

I've got so many pics of her, her and I, and everyone... I made this, I think, even before I knew she was leaving... or maybe I did. Oh well. I've gotta get a tribute vid up for her. I think I'm going to use Photograph for that one too... that's Rose and I's song.

My first, and currently, ONLY, YouTube Video:

Heh. It's a tradition of ours, starting on the first middle school retreat with her. We had her iPod, and we were driving home... and so we sang Photograph. The song ended perfectly, just at the moment our bus was exiting the wintery setting. We were messed up kids. Sixth graders. We wrote the worst fanfiction ever, this Teen Titans/Avatar crossover, and we were REALLY muffinly... (Muffins= suggestive; DEAL WIT IT) *sigh* She's an incredible writer. Just her fanfictioin tells me that. And everything else I've ever seen written by her... awesome singer. She knows exactly what to say when I need to hear it. My best friend. Sister, even, I could say. We never argued... we debated. Heh... But nothing petty. Really... deeper-ish stuff... only the important things. Like a real debate. *sigh* Maybe it didn't seem deep at the first subject, but once we delved in... no stopping. We normally cut those things off when it starts getting tense though... (I refuse to use past tense this time; I'm still going to talk to her, even though it won't be exactly the same. )

It still knocks the breath outta me to know, however, that she's not gonna be here like she would have been, if she was staying... I'm going to miss her. All of us are gonna miss her. A lot. A heck of a lot.

She's in my prayers...

((AN: WE LOVE YOU, ALLIE! WE'RE GOING TO MISS YOU A LOT!!!!!! :'( <333 You ARE such a great friend to us, and we aren't going to forget you. Ever. And we're going to keep talking to you. As much as possible. Constantly. All the time. Best friends forever. ))