Monday, July 28, 2008

I've been tagged. (By Dibsy-chan.)

1. List five things that you like about yourself, or crazy things that you do or other random stuff about you that you feel like putting.-there will be no one accusing someone of bragging!!
2. Tag five other people, and leave a comment on their blog/page.

Well... here goes...

1. I skimmed over the first couple chapters of this book called 'Audrey Wait' by Robin Benway, and I now really wish that people would start flippin' recording the song in the book! Because it sounds like a good song... heh... heheh. I'm listening to the only YouTube recording I could find... (without searching too hard...)

2. I bought fake glasses. Just... cuz. Cuz I'm cool like that. 8) xDDDD Heh... heheh. I also bought a hairclip-like-item, with all this wavy-ish hair that hits mid-back when I clip it to my ponytail when Leanne had to get one for the Breaking Dawn release party this Friday at our local Barnes and Noble. 8)

3. My eyes rock. They're brown and have long eyelashes and are nicely shaped... yeah... random... I also have a ten year old brother who's addicted to Runescape!

4. I swear, one day, I'm going to put some form of unnatural red streaks into my hair. Because I just think it would look cool... just for the heck of it...

5. I used to write fanfictions during classes in sixth grade, by keeping the notebook in my lap, and writing underneath my desk. Most of the time I didn't get caught... though my social studies teacher did once... and my reading teacher lectured me on it... "I'm glad you're writing, but this isn't the time..." blah blah blah... yeah. I honestly did appreciate her... but I was freaked out when my SS teacher tossed my notebook on my desk. I then began writing down ideas to get out of being sent to the principals' office, if I got in that much trouble... (I exaggerate a lot... one of the ideas was 'fake a seizure'... o.e)

So yeah! There are my random things. Which are pretty strange.

I tag:

1. Leanne
2. Ella
3. Nathaniel
4. bright sponge
5. Sienna