Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How could I do that to a friend. (A blog about... 'Jared'...okay, more my boy issues... that I created...)

New Characters:

Sherry- One of Jared's ex-girlfriends. They've been friends since pre-school, and they're still friends. She broke up with Jared because she liked another boy... and the other boy didn't like her back.

Mara- Another one of Jared's ex-girlfriends. The tensions between those two were very high when they were dating, with Jared's constant involvement with Kim, who was also dating Mark at the time. She held some hard feelings toward Kim for a while, but now they're back on good terms...

Rick- Currently likes/liked Rose. He used to like Kim, and was formerly Kim's boyfriend. The 'guy from her church'.

Kenny- One of Jared's friends. Friends with Kim. Though they once dated, and it hardly lasted a a week. They still remain friends.

Samuel- A guy. Called 'Sammie' by girl-ish nickname. A guy-friend of Kim who started going to her small-town school, his former Christian-Private-School innocence destroyed by public school. Sammica, Sammie... girly names are her nicknames for her. Used to live next door to Ella. A little bit of a sick sense of humor at times, yet admittedly, unfortunately, funny.
I can't stand it anymore.

I have to do it. I'm going to hurt him more if I put it off. Or, maybe I'm just being selfish... gosh... I freakin' know I can make this work! I just gotta stop liking Mark. Which seems easier said than done. But I CAN control my emotions! It's not justified to break up with someone because you just want someone else. Because I can't keep my mind off of Mark. Even when I was with Jared! ON THE FREAKIN' FERRIS WHEEL. That is the Jared/Kim place! The first time he put his arm around me.... and Sherry was sitting right there. Just like how Mark and Kim kissed... on a ski-lift... and Rose was on the other seat... heh... wow, I do that a lot on suspended places with people sitting right next to me/guy... *sigh* I miss Rose... and her phone being turned on... it really feels like she moved now... *sigh*

I don't know what to do. Well, actually I do. In order to keep Jared happy, I would have to remain in a relationship with him, actually call him instead of trying to avoid him, and just... be there. And be a good girlfriend. WHO DOESN'T THINK SHE'S GOING TO EITHER CHEAT ON HIM OR BREAK HIS HEART IN SOME OTHER WAY.

I've hurt him before. Even when he didn't deserve it. I've said stupid things to him. But though he's had his share, I shouldn't just hurt him like that... It's not like he's forcing me to stay with him. I just can't let him go like that. But as you know, he's a friend. And even though I wanted to be with him a few times this year, maybe I did what Ella assumes she does. Projected my feelings on someone else. Back then... but even just a few weeks ago, I wanted to be with him again at the dance. But right after I knew Mark's friend, our awesome substitute teacher's younger brother (She's only 26... her younger brother goes to the same school as Mark and is in the same grade) was gone, THAT'S when my feelings for Jared hyped up. And I wanted him to dance with me. And I wanted his attention. And even though I was hurt that night because I thought he didn't want me, it seemed I was wrong, because we messaged each other, and we both decided to go out again.

How does that happen?!

In all honesty, I've been doubting trying this relationship again, since day 1. Our second (or third, if you wanna count the time I kept talking to him online...) try with this. (That debatably second time is an entirely different story...)

I didn't want to be like that quite yet with him. I wasn't ready, and I wasn't over Mark. It was my fault. And it's still my fault.

Like how Rose said she could see herself graduating here, because it had been the longest time she'd ever stayed in one place... (5 years...) and when she found out she had to move again, it made it all so much more real to me. So much sadder. Terribly so.

And so, even though Jared just jokingly mentioned something about '6 years later when I come to dinner and meet your parents...' and other details surrounding that... it just knocked things into perspective again. I hate that... constantly, constantly, I'm having moments that snap me back to something. Snap me back to reality. Back to the little land of dreams of mine... back to sanity... or insanity...

I can't believe I could hurt him like this. What am I gonna say?

"I'm sorry, but I'm still in love with Mark, even though he might not even like me anymore! And still hardly talks to me! When I call him... or see him in church... or even email him! I'm sorry, but bye!"

Yeah. Right.

I don't know... I could be honestly civilized... but... I... I don't want to hurt him. Even though it'll kill me to keep going with him, to have to end up kissing him, holding him, like he was my boyfriend again, the things I did as a 12 year old who only DREAMED of kissing and wrote about 'love'. I didn't know a thing. I still don't.

I can't believe myself... I already did this to Mark. To my other old boyfriends. Hurt them like that, even though they hardly knew. In sixth grade, I didn't know what having boyfriends and dating was. I just said 'let's go out' cuz I was desperate. Jared hooked us up. We were talking about being desperate for a boyfriend/girlfriend. And so there I was, with that kid's friend. I didn't yet admit I liked Jared then, but I guess it was weird... and then I flirted with this guy at my church. Because I was terrible back then. And I wasn't taking my relationship with Jared's friend seriously. I didn't know how yet. I was inexperienced and not used to having a commitment like that. I was just plain naiive. I'd been told I was flirtatious before. And I didn't understand. And I didn't want to like anyone. I just thought I was just talking... I HONESTLY didn't even realize what flirting was. I'm not even sure I get it quite yet.

And yet, I continued my stupidity. It led up to Jared. And I was going out with that kid from my church. Our youth group ended. I wouldn't see him unless I caught a glimpse of him at church. And I didn't go to first service then, so I wouldn't be able to see him anyway. And so when I started dating Jared for the first time, after admitting I liked him under sad circumstances (see 'Love: What It Means to Me'. The story about the a-hole friends comment, and little-kid variant playgrounds...). And so there we were. We dated the whole summer. This seems exactly like that.

Except it isn't at all.

Mark is constantly on my mind. He is my first boyfriend that I actually acted like a girlfriend with. The first boy who told me he loved me, called me pretty (outside my family...), and I felt attracted to in more than a crush-like manner. I was constantly trying to get him to communicate with him. We had a lot of similar interests. He had a subtle sense of humor, sometimes dark, at least playing games like Mafia and Killer (card roleplay games with... well, killers...), loved anime, INCLUDING Fruits Basket and Ouran High School Host Club, listened to Linkin Park (He listens to music according to his mood... which he stated, he listened to LP when he was depressed... but just the fact that he liked the band and listened to them without calling them a 'freakin' emo band' that 'only emos like', seemed to be enough for me...) and he was sad a lot... quiet... sensitive... yet, he was guy-ish too. Living with all his brother's. His family's split was tragical enough... his father's behavior as the cliche kinda 'rich guy who's always too busy with business' was just perfect. In so many ways, he resembled my mental romance novel boy. But I recently read something so applicable to me... on AvatarSpirit.Net, of all places. From a man who had his heart broken early, after a divorce of a two year marriage.

"At some point, you've got to let go of your fantasies and come back to the real world."

It seemed he didn't want to believe in love either, until it happened to him... which is understandable, considering his difficult position. I was playing girlfriend, while desperately wanting to help him. And yet, I wanted to just be his girlfriend too... after a while, I thought it got frustrating. I cried for him. I cried because I thought I messed up with him. Because he thought he hurt me, when he didn't. Because I pulled away from that kiss... it felt so awkward, my first kiss. It tasted weird too, if you want all honesty...

I kept snapping back to the real world in that relationship. And I said I loved him. But toward the end, everything seemed to be watering down... and I was getting involved, FAR too involved, with Jared, just online, just talking... but that was when him and I let ourselves go. We spoke so seriously online. I said I loved HIM, too, online. He said he loved me. I couldn't help but reciprocate. And truth be told, I wanted to... I do love him. I guess, just more in a platonic way, though. And though Mark and I are broken up, though I want us to be just friends, so I can still help him overcome whatever's going on, even though it seems so wrong to most people to be in any form of relationship with someone just to 'fix' them... I want to be with him.

Jared saw his future with me.

I saw my future with Mark. I dreamed about it, thought about it all the time while going out with him. I never doubted that we could work... even after all those years.

Though my heart longs for someone to be with forever, I was desperate to be so careful while going out with Mark. He'd done things a guy had never done before with me. Simple little things, normal things, you know? Put his arm around my waist, held my hand, then, when I decided it was uncomfortable to have him put his arm around my waist, he willingly moved to my shoulders, and I did the same. I didn't ever call him a dork. The only time I stereotyped him was back when Rose liked him, and plus, to us, it was a compliment, because we truly believed he was a (but mostly hot...) 'hawt emo guy'.

And he is. He really is.

But I like it... and I like him. Do I love him? I don't know...

I have so long to go. Even though, when I think about it, four years and I'll be in college. 10 and I'll be 23. So short... so little time... yet so much time. My teen years go fast. And slow. And I want someone to spend them with, but... is it time to find forever already? Do I really want that?

And what if I do something stupid? Will I go 9 months through school with no humor, background music, cute guys, attractive adoptive fathers for certain unborn children...? Will I do that? Would I do that? Would I go to a stupid party? And do something stupider? What will I mess up? How can I prevent it?

I don't wanna screw up either. Honestly, that's another subject entirely, and IF I ever got pregnant, and it was because I chose to do that with some guy, I'd have the child.

Just saying.

Anyway, back to the original topic.


I can't do this! I don't want to hurt my best guy friend, I don't know if Mark wants me back or if I'll stress him out, or if I'll ever learn to talk to him in a way that makes him want to talk to me with honest, truthful, long, liberating conversation, or if I'll ever be content with Jared as a boyfriend, or if I'll screw up, or if he'll try to make me screw up, or...

Gosh, I wish I lived in the age where none of this happened.


Oh well...

Lord, thank you for the people I know, for blessing me with the incredible people that I love. Please guide me through these difficult times... may I make decisions pleasing to you.


*yawnz* Maybe I should go back to sleep... (Mission Trip rantness)

I'm tired cuz I got up at 7. Is that not pathetic? *sigh* *yaaaaaaaaaawn* Tiredness. Dx

Anyways, I decided to post a blog this morning. About... I dunno, we'll see.

I did one of my devotional thingies for the youth mission trip I'm doing in July... the little sections seem to be getting shorter, but the amount of pages for 'anticipation' remains the same, approximately 5 pages. But the reading devotion part things remains pretty long... the one I did today is about reverence. A deep respect. So, it spoke about how to show reverence to God, and the importance of showing reverence to higher authorities, like trip leaders, and local church leaders, and/or experienced mission trip peoples, on the trip. It'll be one interesting thing, I'll say that much. I've never been on a mission trip before, and although I'm not going out of the country, and about only... maybe anywhere between 5-8 hours out of the state, I know this is going to be a very different environment. And I'm good with that. I need to learn to be 'still' though, you know? Being at peace and having contentment with and in God is part of reverence to him... and so is listening to spiritual instruction, and praying to him.

So that's what I learned in my devotional today. (Our 'mission trip homework', heh...)

I miss Rose. (I hate coding right now... my brain does not have the capacity to code this morning... *yawn*) She is my bestest friend, and now her phone's like, dead or something, because she wasn't picking up yesterday... I hope everything's alright. (Her brother did something to the laptop, so she can't use that either... *headdesk*) I'm glad she's coming up in July for the trip though... even though the leaders will probably split everyone up. And I will show them reverence... even when I don't want to... but that's not right. Because I should want to. And I guess I do, if I do show them. I'll just miss hanging out with Rose all day, while working and stuffs... I heard it gets EXTREMELY hot over there... ugghhhh... South Dakota. And plus there's a dress code. DX Which means, even with temperatures, we are not permitted to wear any form of 'innappropriate' tank tops, or shorts... I don't need to worry about the shorts, cuz I don't wear shorts anyway, though I might want to once I get there. But the tops... yeah. My typical summer outfit:

Spaghetti strap tank top (with a built-in bra, so no need for extra... well, you know. And yes, those things still work for me, xP) and capris/skort.

I guess I'll be okay with it. Sweaty, but okay...

In all honesty, I'm really looking forward to this. It'll be like a week-long CareFest. Except, we're helping people directly... in Rapid City, South Dakota. It'll be a very new experience, and I think I'm going to like it. But I really do have a lot of spiritual preparation yet to do...

Well, talk at ya'll later.

-"Kim" (ALY)