Monday, February 20, 2012

I never finished that last post and I probably will not.

At the end of the night, essentially, I realized, as I always do now, at the end of a treacherous drive (which for me, is every single one), that God wants me to live right now. That He's holding onto me, and I'm not dead and my friends aren't dead from my driving because he wants us hear, in (relatively) good health, glorifying Him. Living for Him.

And that was the end of that night. It was a terrifying night, it was. I learned of the awful, endless, pointless, "freedom" of having a driver's license as an adolescent with a single friend in the car, and how it feels to near-miss every near-critical point when a car or a pole or a curb or a ditch gets just a little too close for comfort.

You know, I could write about driving forever, and all of its "metaphorical resonance" (there is much of this in driving, for me at least), however, I believe I will just write this.

There is so much more to this life than the tiny things I'm doing with it. More than pondering what I should do and whether I should do this or that. I should keep wondering if I'm doing right, but only if it makes me do what is right. And it is about that continuous striving. That continual prayer.

I went to mass tonight with my friend and her boyfriend, and I realized jst how much dedication people have. To God. To each other. It wasn't a huge event or anything. But I just realized, how much authenticity there can be, in the reciting of words each week that never really lose their meaning when said anew every time. When one looks to God and prays silently and aloud and all sorts of ways.

And outside of this, I was with my friend at her boyfriend's house, and I think now, just how much of an impact we as human beings have on one another. No new insight, but, it's still something I think we should think about sometimes. I feel like I negatively impacted quite a few people tonight. And I think about the gratitude I feel after the terrifying experience of driving home everyday.

I'm here for a reason. You're here for a reason. God put us here for a reason.

Sunday school this morning. I just think about how, now, I can see these people in the Bible not just as figures, as images to be painted and gazed upon and analyzed for their immense beauty, but human beings who lived and once existed on this earth and now exist in the further realm, truly with God, and the things they did that were absolutely human and absolutely sinful and how God still forgave them and counted their faith as righteousness.

I cannot really collect my thoughts right now, but I think this sums it up. God bless, good friends. Much love to you all.