Saturday, August 9, 2008


I'm sorry everyone for not being here for so long... *sigh* I really am. *hugseveryone* I missed you guys.

I've just sort of had writer's block... I mean, I have tons of stuff to write about, and I think quite a few unfinished drafts that I'll never get published, but either way, I've been obssessing over stuff for a while, and it's not goin' well. xP Obssession is icky and bad. And internet addiction. o.e

Either way, I shouldn't be neglecting you awesome people who read my blogs. I missed you guys. *huggles*

Anyway, onto other matters.

I need to focus on my faith in God more, because I'm obssessing over friends, books, and roleplaying. And not even focusing on school, which is coming September 2nd, sadly. I should be reading my Bible, at least looking through verses... *sigh*

Christian peoplez- Anyone got a suggestion of a pre-School Bible book I should read? (As in books IN the Bible, like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc...)

I once read one chapter or so of Proverbs per day throughout the month of May. It was very interesting. That's what the speaker at one of our Christian conferences said would be a good idea for someone who was already developing their faith...

Anyway, I gots a Facebook.

*sigh* Such a terrible place to get addicted to... it's not quite as bad as myspace would be, I think.... heh. I share a MySpace with Kris (Leanne) and Rose. But Rose never logs on... D:


I keep using the same words and phrases over and over...

Well, anyone read the Twilight Series? Did ya'll read Breaking Dawn? *pleasetellmeyoudidn'thateitifyoudid* Anyway, I liked it, but a whole ton of fandom has turned into vicious haters with unkind words, and it is depressing. D':

The Secret Life of the American Teenager. I promised myself I wouldn't watch it... *sigh* I'm hooked. xP Terrible, terrible show. I mean, it's high school at it's worse, where every teenager is having... it, and some of them covering it up with 'Christianity', and a girl getting pregnant... meh.

The only characters I really LIKE-LIKE are Ben, Amy, and Ashley, Amy's younger sister. She's so bluntly... there. She just comes right out and says it, or covers it up. Ben's just... Ben. I like Ben. He's a very sweet boyfriend, with old-fashioned morals, and his dad owns a meat store-thing. Yeah. Amy... I just like Amy because... I'm not sure. She's emotional. I don't really like that she waited so long to tell her parents, but... what could you do?

Honestly, I don't watch these shows for entertainment value... even though I get to yell at the characters a lot... not that they can hear me... Kris and I watch it every Tuesday at 10:30, or whenever it's on, and we always have a... erm... deep-ISH discussion about it after the show is done.

Breaking Dawn was great to me. Even though it was kind of... okay, really bizarre, in some places. But, I don't know... I just really liked all the books. Maybe I'm too obssessed... *sigh*

*huggleseveryone* I promise, I'll be on here more often. Love you guys!

God Bless. :)


Dibsy said...

...You're going to a private school? (goes to public)

Leah said...

Aly! You lied to me! I always thought that you went to a public school! You liar! *cries*

I know your name, Dibsy.

Aly K. said...

I didn't lie, D: I go to a public school... It probably just says secondary meaning like, high school, even though I DID lie on that part... heheh... but I'm only lying one year older than I really am. ^^'

Dibsy said...

AH HAH! I KNEW THERE WAS A LIE POKING IT'S UMMM...if jealousy is green, and anger is red, what is lying? Whatev, it's black, because black hides stuff.

Well, Leanne? What's my name? If you nkow, then tell me. Let's see if you're right.

Leah said...

Your name is Toby.

Dibsy said...

Then how come you don't ever call me that??? TT_TT

Leah said...

Because I don't feel like it, Toby.

Dibsy said...


Dibsy said...

*gasp* ALY! You're neglecting your blog again! A blog is like a baby, you know!

Dibsy said... blog neglector...! (dibsy has no life and goes to the computer every day for a long, long, long time)

Aly K. said...

Aww, I'm sorry guys... *feedsblog* I've been neglecting this blog like I've been neglecting my Facebook children... *sigh* D': I'm sorry...

Yezz, Dibs, I'm like that too... heh... heheh.

Don't worry guys, I'll update today. No doubt.

Heh. Toby.

Dibsy said...

WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'HEH TOBY'?! SPIT IT OUT!!! (shakes aly violently)

T_T Finally. I though you fell off the edge of the Earth, or went to jail.

Aly K. said...
