Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Once a week, I tolded j00. I SOWWIE FOR TAKING LONG! DX *hug* Today: SEE YOU AT THE POLE.

That's what I did this morning at my school's flagpole. We prayed about a couple students and teachers, and we sang and prayed around the flagpole... it was pretty awesome. :)

I gotta get back on track, though. :-/

I read my Bible during school today. I decided not to take my other 'outside reading' books to classes today, and just took my Bible instead. I've been reading John. It's very good... lots of stuff to think about. People were really against Jesus back then... it's similar to the way things are now. There were more 'Pharisees' back then, and though there are MANY hypocrites (sp?) in Christianity, there a lot of people picking and choosing things in the Bible to believe, and not believe. As well as MANY people who just don't want to believe... it's really sad to me. :-/

(haven't figured out his codename yet) This one guy, I sit next to in English, nice dude, funny, tried too hard on YouTube, yet apparently, it worked, because he has lots of viewers now, or a modest amount, either way. Anyway, his broken ankle just healed up... and then he broke his arm last night. O.O Yah. Sucks for him. D: We prayed for him at See You at the Pole today... and this other girl. *sigh* I really gotta get up with that bullying problem. Mrs. Waver said she'd see me today... and I had a health test, so I couldn't come... xP And tommorrow she wants me to come during study hall (which is called 'target'... we normally specify some certain things we have to do in Target, so we don't always get to just freely do homework or throw papers at each other. o.e)

And... I might be getting a crush on Sam #1. o.o

Ella's gonna spazzkeel meh. T.T

Writer's block kills. o.o

I need to get back to homework... MY PROCRASTINATION SYNDROME CAME BACK! D':

God Bless you all. :) ^^ Love ya! ^^

-Aly "Kim", "Alyce", etc...

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