Thursday, July 21, 2011

Life now!


There's too much to say, but the above link says some of it. I just want to say that my life... I'm just seeing it now, is just so incredible. So beautiful. And God really has me now. He has ALL of me now. And when He doesn't, I'll keep coming back. I've never felt this amazing before, ever, in my entire life.

When I went to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip, I was hoping for that something to just bring me out of the strange fog I'd been in all schoolyear long. All of my failures and disappointments and anxiety and all the stress I'd piled onto myself, I was just hoping that God would somehow reach me. And what I didn't know was that He was there the whole time, waiting... waiting for ME. I didn't reach back out to Him until I was on that trip. When I started reaching others for HIM. When I told my story of His faithfulness in my life, and in my friends' lives. Until I heard the stories of His faithfulness in so many lives, here in Minnesota, in the United States, and in the Dominican Republic, in Buenos Aires, and Jarabacoa, and Los Calabazos. God was THERE! He IS there! He IS here!

My life is going to be and always will be different now, because I am really living my life sold out to Him!

Right after returning from the Dominican Republic, with only one day home, I went to a music festival with my friend from school. Sonshine Festival, in Wilmar, Minnesota. We camped for three nights there with her family and her mom's friend. I saw so many incredible bands and artists, many for the second time, (bands such as Love Out Loud, Switchfoot, Skillet, Children 18:3, Remedy Drive, The Afters, Tenth Avenue North, Lincoln Brewster, and TobyMac), and I learned so much from each of them, and the speakers that I saw. But not to be cliche, but those weren't what I learned and got the most from. I was there when my friend's younger sister decided to give her life to Christ. I could not believe that God had allowed me to witness such an incredible, beautiful, positively life-altering, amazing decision of someone else. I had wanted to be a part of this for so long! For anyone! And He allowed me to be there. He may have even used me to help her. But the glory goes to God.

I also had the opportunity to see an amazing student-led campus ministry group from Minnesota speaking there--The Catalyst Coalition. They really set me on fire for God, and to share God on my school campus. I feel as though God is currently leading me to start a campus ministry right at my own school, and He seems to be working things out. So if you pray, please do pray that we will find the people that we need for a core team for this ministry at my school.

I am just so amazed. And there is just too much to say. But God is so good! Thank you, Lord!

God bless, all. Love,

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