Tuesday, October 4, 2011

To: God

Dear Lord, I have just no idea how to react when things like this happen. I know that You love us. I know that You are there, You are graceful, You are compassionate. You are Creator. So powerful, yet so relational. I know that. I wonder if I practice that knowledge sometimes. I recognize that I don't always.

But over and over and over, You know I've struggled with this so many times, You and the readers know. Why God, do you let these things happen? These deaths? The universal question. Why do bad things happen to good people? And all those readings of Job...

Maybe I've been reading it wrong, I admit that could be the problem. God, I realize that You... You are so far, so FAR beyond my limited human understanding. So far beyond it. I guess that's it.

Lord, I grieve with them tonight. But this... this I just can't understand. After all he's already lost, after this period of celebration, after seeming so happy and then... you just give him this? God, why? Why, God? With all he has to do right now? With all the caring he has for You and Your people? Your children? Your people's children? How...?

God, I just don't understand. I just don't. I don't want to doubt You or lose You. I'm sure that the one he lost is doing very well in Heaven, very happy, very content. And I'm very glad about this, I can celebrate that. But I canNOT look at it the same way from down here.

He was young. He had kids himself, God! Why are you letting this happen to them too? To this family? That's already been through enough? Is there ever "enough"? I just... no, no one deserves it, and I don't know if You're testing them or something, and I really have absolutely no right to write this. None.

But why, God? I just... I just won't understand, I suppose. I'll grieve with those who grieve, have joy with those having joy. But there's a lot of sorrow here, God. Our lives really are just swept by the wind. There is so much sorrow, God. I know you're weeping with them. But so much sorrow. So much grief. So much loss.

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