Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The First Existential First World Problem Filled Crisis of This Schoolyear: a vent poem of epic failure

a free job at 
recognizable golden arches, 
free food every shift
25% off otherwise,
stomach growing, thighs
arms hardening and 
wrists hurting
carrying fry baskets
with two hands. 
eating out of boredom
staying up until 
three in the morning,
writing about people
never existing, 
voices audible but saying little
beyond laughter and 
crude joking 
nothing nothing nothing nothing 
failing tests in the middle of
second semester
of junior year
return to college
miss a prerequisite and 
fall short of 
the beginning of a nursing degree,
leave the textbooks in your backpack, 
sketch the image of the characters, 
half-hearted reading in the morning, 
sleep in during study time. 
a day before
attend the job for brief hours
of understaffed stress
of empathy sucked away 
change the bathroom garbages 
with the bags around the neck 
pull it jokingly a minute 
and later possibly conclude that
morbid humor
isn't humor 
stuffing selves some more
spending sixty dollars 
on coffee, ice cream, fast and slow food
instead of utilizing
a well-stocked home. 
blowing gas money on 
days out with friends
and the constant constant constant
humor humor humor
nothing nothing nothing
writing things that may produce wonder
or nothing at all. 
tell all
use "I" 
take blame 
consume guilt, 
what else could one 
possibly need? 

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