Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Now on a lighter note...Ella's blog, and more char.s!


2 things.

My dearest friend, miss Ella-chan... now has a blog.

^Internet friend, Lizzie/Elle

One other thing:

More characters! <3

Tasha- Kim's close friend who lives on the east coast and one she's never met physically... well you know, the internet's a pretty amazering place. She's moved around a lot, she's Kim's RPing partner online on the roleplay they're obsessed with writing. She's an awesome writer, and an awesome artist, and loves anime/manga.

Brooke- Kim's friend since 3rd grade. Goes to her school, and is in three of her core classes in the morning now. She has a boyfriend currently, his name being Darren.

Kyley, Bella, Alana, Merri, Terra, Mindy, Corrie- A group of girls that Kim had wanted to hang out with for years, and finally accomplishes in her seventh grade year. They've always had similar interests and she's always longed to hang out with these people for their personalities and overall funtasticalness. Kim enjoys hanging out and talking to them all.

Allen- Kyley's boyfriend. Most of her friends don't know why she goes out with him, but they've been together a pretty long time for their age... and for a lot of other people's ages.

Arisa (Let's call her... Reese.)- Another one of Kim's awesome new friends from Rose's school. She rox sox. She's rather tomboyish on the outside, and is close friends with Ella, Kris, and Jones. ( she es Miss Awesomeness on Ella's blog)

Jones- Jones is the one other dude from Rose, Kris, Mark, Ella, and Reese's school that Kim recently made acquaintance to at a certain Target Starbucks on a certain Friday while drinking some certain Frappichinos and loudly socializing with a wide variety of somewhat innappropriate inside jokes... He is funny, loves bands like Cake, and Weezer, and has a surprising knowledge of he politcal candidates in the '08 run. (J.R. on Ella's blog)

David- Kim's younger brother. He's 10 and "knows" too much for his age... hmm, I wonder who's fault that is... ^^'

And that's about it for today in characters.

UGGHHHHH. None of my RP friends are on and I es booooooooooooooored. *headdesk* Well, <3 all you people!

Don't forget God loves you no matter what happens in your life! THERE IS A LIGHT AT THE END OF ALL TUNNELS.

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