Thursday, June 5, 2008

*sings loudly* SCHOOL'S... OUT... FOR.. SUMMAH! SCHOOL'S OUT FOR. EVAH!!! XD


School just got out today. That song is in reference (I have no knowledge of 'classic rock', sorry... well, at least not as much knowledge as I possibly could...) to the Guitar Hero game we got to play in 'math class' today. We just had pretty much an entire day of PARTY at school today... it was pretty rockin'sauce.

Kim is now re-going out with Jared. (Grrr... reminds me of Jared from 'The Host'... WHY STEPHENIE, WHYYYYYYY?!) Anyway, they're together. XP Again. It's no problem... just that... yah... She may just have to take 'Jared' off of her list for receiving blog notification....

Anyway, The Host is a flippin' awesome book. 8)

But, of course, I am needing moralistic guidance. T.T Well, talk to ya'll later! *randomness'd*

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