Friday, May 29, 2009

Man, I need to start getting creative with these titles... (dates, poem, rant, etc.)

Yeah, I really do. Thanks guys so much for reading my blog like you do! I just thought I'd update a bit on life (probably gonna get into some more ventlike poetry at some point, though... heh. *sigh).

You guys still rock for reading this when I update so incredibly sporadically.

Well, I have... five days of school left. I have a few assignments left to do, but today was the big day for all the main meat assignments in my main classes, which is very, very good. I am so relieved to be over with all that. I have some english finals and other tests next week, but I'm not so spazzed out over all of that. I should probably be studying though... heh. I don't study much. I get alright grades (A's and B's mostly), but I could study more... things used to come so naturally to me when I was younger, but now... meh.

Ah well. Hmm... Well, it's WAAAY past the date, but my one year Blog-a-versary came around on May 5 of this month, which is almost over.

Other important dates:

My parents' 16th anneversary came on May 25. Weehoo! :D

And... Tommorrow, is my one-month annaversary of dating Nathaniel the Awesome. :)

He is a really amazing person, with incredible writing talent, so kind, so smart, and always, always makes me smile. So thank you Nathaniel. :)

Some other dates:

June 11-14- I will be gone on a girls' cabin trip with some girls in my youth group. We're going up to someone's family cabin and hangin' out there for those four days, and I'm pretty sure it'll be cool. :)

And in July at some point (keep you guys posted later), I'll be going on a trip with my youth group to Colorado, to a cabin in the mountains, for a retreat. It'll be really interesting, so, like the mission trip to Rapid City, South Dakota last year, I might post a bit about that before and after.

And this Sunday, May 31st, I will be going to this radio show's 20th year annaversary "Open House" at one of the churches in the city nearby, where the band that played at Districts Blitz (the Christian conference deal I attended this year, and the last, and the last...) REMEDY DRIVE will be playing.

Remedy Drive is amazing. Just sayin'. Look 'em up cuz they rock. I have two of the dudes' autographs and they are AMAZING.

I love Remedy Drive.


To that poetry I was talking about.

Love you guys! God bless! <3 ^^ :) Once again, I must say, you all rock. :)

To Vent

People apologize after letting out
That explosion they've held in
Loud yelling, screaming, typing
Just to let it all out.
But if they've been holding it in,
Well, let them let it out.
It's not good to suppress,
The negative
Emotions that we feel.
To hide the negativity
Inside, and let it boil up
To explode onto someone undeserving, unassociated, and unnecessarily.
Let it out.
There's a listening ear,
Up Above,
And I'm here to.
Let it go, let it out.
Let me know. I won't mind.
You can vent into your pillow,
Your diary, your blog.
Or tell it to a friend,
Willing to listen, without a word,
If that is what you need.
And as I've said, I'm here too,
A friend to talk to.

I guess that's it for today. I don't really have anything I need to vent myself, so... yeah. I love all of you guys! God bless you! <3 *huggles everyone* You are all awesome individuals. :)


Nathaniel said...

I love you so much Aly. Best month ever. Heart :) Thanks is not necessary. Only reward I need is you. heart

I hope you enjoy your open house. And your getaways with the youth group. :)

Also, happy anniversarry mister and misses... um. Aly, I don't think I know your last name. ^^'

Aly K. said...

Aw. :) <3 *blush* Sorry. I'll let you know sometime. Heheh. xD I know your full name from one of your posts on your blog... and Facebook. And we all thank you. :D

It was a good open house. And thank you so much again (sorry, I had to..)

You're awesome, Nattie. <3 I love you too! <3