Thursday, March 4, 2010

For everyone. (also on my Facebook notes; Sorry for taking so long to post again.)

This poem was inspired by the ones in Haiti and all around the world, and even right next door or in our classrooms and workplaces who are calling out for help right now. God calls us to love Him, and love others. We cannot be self-absorbed and we can't keep turning away. There are real needs all around us, and I know that we have the means to meet a lot of those needs. So please, everyone, do everything you can, pray, donate, go on missions, or just be a friend, to someone you know who's in need right now. We are called to love others. So let's love each other, let's reach out, and see people the way God sees us, and share love and compassion and mercy and grace.

A song by a woman who really knows what this means:

Thanks, Jill. You're such an incredible example and artist for so many people, and I am really inspired by your heart for Christ and for others, and how you use your amazing gifts to help others. Thank you.

We walk this earth
In this priveleged place
And we forget
There are others.
There are those in pain everyday,
Who don't have what we have,
Who can't afford this selfishness,
This bitterness.
There are those who are struggling to survive,
There are those who are in pain,
Those who survive natural disaster,
Those who are barely making it,
From disasters inside and out.
These are the ones screaming out,
For our help,
For us to reach out,
Not to turn away.
Not to look away,
Not to deny
Their needs
Their pain.
We are self-absorbed,
And we keep making it all about us,
We focus on us,
And this is not the way it should be.
The poor, the sick, the victims,
The survivors, the hurting,
Are screaming out for us.
Even in silence, we should hear them.
God hears their cries,
He calls us.
They're calling to us,
We were meant to love Him,
And we were meant to love others.
Don't turn away,
Don't close your eyes,
To the pain,
Though it hurts even to see it,
We must see it.
We must understand,
Before we can truly love those
Who need Him,
Who need us.
We are called to love.


Anonymous said...

Gud är det han som ser till att små barn svälter ihjäl,våldtas,mördas är det Guds vilja?

Aly K. said...

It is God's will for us to honor and glorify him. And He wants us to help and love others. Some of the terrible things that go on in this world are because of us, human beings, our will. We hurt others many times. So we need to reach out and change this world that hurts our fellow human beings. God wants us to love, not hate, not hurt.

Evelyn said...

Hi Girl,
I am from Brazil and on his blog.
Reading your profile I noticed that you are a person with lots of light
and the more importantly, with the light of Jesus!
I really enjoyed your blog and you, only to read his wise and beautiful words!
I'm following your blog,
God bless!

Aly K. said...

Thank you so much, Evelyn, this is really encouraging to me right now. I am so glad that you too are filled with the light. Thanks so much for reading and the feedback. :)

God bless!
