Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm sorry, but this blog baby has been taken by blog protective services due to severe neglect.


Which I now do consistently.

I am so, so, so, SO, sorry, guys. Commenters (sp?), you are amazing.

Thank you so much for sharing your opinions of my blog, and for being very encouraging. You guys are all great.
So, I don't really feel very inclined to talk about political issues right now, though I did write some interesting poetry on Facebook today after coming home from a half-day at school.

Other than that, I was just looking over old blogs, gmail chats, and emails. Particularly the things that had to do with my totally screwed dating life as of last year.

I never really have been on what I've called an "official" date, but I suppose I've "dated".

I've had boyfriends.

I can't believe I'm talking about this right now. Just rereading what I did, my gosh. I suck. I sucked as a girlfriend, I sucked. I was terrible.
Whenever I look back in my middle school past and think of times when I didn't really like my life, I always looked to sixth grade, where I was pretty depressed and at zero self-esteem.

And now I realize why I don't like touching seventh grade again.

What I learned in sixth grade:

I am not alone.
I don't need to be miserable.
(btw, I never actually tried those things; I just contemplated them quite frequently.)
Helping others is amazing.
God is there for me, made me, and He WILL always be there for me.
God really DOES save your life. (literally, He did, does, and will continue to do so.)

Seventh Grade:
I guess I just learned how to be the worst possible girlfriend on the face of the planet.

After I read "For Young Women Only" by Shaunti Feldhan and Lisa A. Rice (lovingly coined "the guy book" by my friends and I) for the first time, I realized how many mistakes I'd made that probably put down guys I knew very much. More particularly, a certain guy formally coded "Jared" on this blog.


I was really, really, REALLY, terrible. It's not as though he was a perfect guy either, but, still. We were friends. He liked me. I consider myself to be the worse side of the so-called "former 'dating' relationship".

Not only did I badly hurt Jared, but probably Mark as well. And I was totally OBSESSED with Mark. I had Bella Swan syndrome for this guy! (Actually, more Edward Cullen syndrome... without all the suicide and crap; more Edward because I seriously considered and thought about marrying him in the long future that I thought could have stretched ahead of us.)

How naive is that?

I don't know...

But now, with this uber-suck crush on Sam #1, I just... it doesn't make any sense to me. I have practically no reason to like him. He isn't all that nice to me, and it's apparent I annoy him, a lot of the time, conciously.

I've decided to officially put away that crush crap right now.

I just can't do that to another guy, being friends is a better idea to me right now. After all that happened with Jared and Mark last year, I know it's best for me not to have a boyfriend for the simple purpose of liking to have a boyfriend. Because that's shallow.

And "love", I guess, shouldn't just be about emotions. I was sooo obsessed with emotions back then.

And though I'd "love" to just have a boyfriend right now, because it "feels" so good to, and though I'd "love" to really find the "one", (I doubt and confuse my own motives a ton) I'd also love to just "be in love."

Buuuuuuuuuuuut... None of those definitions fit this one exactly:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

I really do like all of my friends, female or male. And I think, as difficult as it would be, especially for someone like ME, I should keep my guy friends just friends.

And thank you so much, to one of a really, really, great guy friend of mine, who I think would be a totally amazing boyfriend/husband to some lucky girl one day, for encouraging me and talking to me today, Nathaniel. You are so totally awesome. Seriously.

And to my female friends out there, thank you so much for putting up with me even when I'm an emotional/hormonal mess. You people amaze me. XD :) You are the best friends I have ever had, and I thank God for you every day.

I love you all,

God Bless,



Nathaniel said...

Awwww. I'm touched. I really didn't do anything today. I just said stuff that was of the encouraging persuasion.

I understand your situation. I have had a major crush on the same girl for four or five years now. And then I moved away. But before I moved away, we became friends, and I later told her that I liked her, and she was not too happy about it. It's awkward to keep a conversation going now. But I'm trying to move on now, and I think coming here was a good thing. Coming here has given me time to think, and I feel a lot wiser now.

Well I'll be off now.

Unknown said...

Oh, that bible verse is one of my favourites!

And your "I've decided to officially put away that crush crap right now" statement is the best I've heard in a long time! I'm considering adopting it as words to live by.


Dibsy said...

Ur not aloooone, Aly. I sucked as a girlfriend too. DX

Aly K. said...

Nattie: I'm sorry that happened to you, but I'm glad you're moving on. And you're welcome! You really did encourage me a lot today, though. And I think you WILL make a good husband one day. :)

Katherine: ^^ I'm glad you liked this blog. xD Yup, that's one of my fave verses right now too. :) Dude, I totally feel like a word legacy now. 8) Thank you very much! XD

Dibs: *hug* Thank you. It's good to know I'm not alone. We can have a sucky girlfriend support group now. T.T *jk* Lol. *huggleagain*

I love you guys!



Nathaniel said...

Trying to move on, but I think I'm over all failing. I guess I liked her too much for my own good.

Also, thanks.

Aly K. said...

I understand where you're coming from there, too, Nattie. *sigh* It takes a while to get over someone if you truly liked them. But it's not impossible. Keep on going.

You're very welcome. I meant it.

Nathaniel said...

Actually, truth be told, that person is Katherine. And I felt pretty emberassed when she commented. But I'll keep trying.

Aly K. said...

Awww, Nattie. *hug* I'm sorry. It'll be okay...

Nathaniel said...

Don't worry Aly! I've got a bounce in my step and a smile on my face! I just gotta stay POSITIVE! :) WHOOPIE! (Possibly high. No, no, definetly high. But the drug is unsure. I guess he could be high on life, but that's just too freaking corny.)

Aly K. said...

xD Very nice, Nattie. It's good to be high on life sometimes! XD Don't do drugs! It's not good your health!

Dibsy said...


Anonymous said...

isn't that from "a walk to remember"? sry, i don't read the bible... but yet that is the best line in the book and movie!

Aly K. said...

Yup, it's in "A Walk to Remember", and the verse was quoted from the Bible. :)

Leah said...

(I'm going to be not deep here) Sooo glad that I haven't had that boyfriend crap yet. I can wait til high school or college to date.

*sniffle* I'm so happy that your blog is back. *bursts out crying in those fun drama tears* Wee hoo.

Leah said...

I would now like for you all to ignore my comment. It is now untrue. :)

Unknown said...

Wow, it took me so long to start commenting on this Aly. You were never a sucky girlfriend, you just started way to early on to even comprehend what a relationship is. Love isn't always at first sight, it takes time to develop those kinds of feelings for a guy. You are a great person Aly, and someday you'll be someone's amazing girlfriend/fiance/wife. Be prepared to wait a while and I'll be right behind with the carton of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and 50 First Dates all the way.
P.S. I still think of HIM every day...
P.P.S. Who is he Leah?

Leah said...

I'll be right there with you, Rose.

P.S. APRIL FOOL'S!!!!! She was so mad. It was great. :)

Aly K. said...

I LOVE YOU, ROSE! In the straightest way possible.


You are like, the awesomest friend ever. *hug*

Yeah, I guess I started dating too young, but... :-/ I don't know if you know the whole story, so, yeah. :(

But I'll just keep waiting like you said. :)

And yeah, Leah had a fake boyfriend for April Fool's day. >xPPP



Levi said...

"Love is patient, love is kind. Love means slowly losing your mind."

Sorry, 27 Dresses was echoing in my head after reading that.

Well... yeah. Hi!

I'm in 8th grade right now, and I can definitely relate a lot to you. In 7th grade I literally had no self-esteem. I hated myself. Ugh, it was awful. I'm so glad I'm over all that crap now.

And emotions... ooh, boy. I am completely controlled by my emotions. I hate it, I know it's not a good thing, but I am. I've never really been on a date before. Like you, I guess you could say I've "dated" once or twice. But I've never been on an actual date.

I really want to. Y'know, the whole cheesy, cliche dinner and a movie thing. Yeah, I'd love to do that.

Whenever I start to get a crush on someone though, I just tell myself not to try to start a relationship. It usually ends with me getting hurt. And I'm kinda tired of that.

But still... sometimes I wish I'd stop worrying about the future and take the risk.

I'm sorry. I'm rambling. Your post has just provoked a lot of thoughts, I guess. I'll stop running on now.


Aly K. said...

Lol, I love that quote/movie. xD

I'm glad I got you thinking though, Levi. I'm sorry for your previous relationships. I think it really depends. Sometimes we need to take a risk, and sometimes we just need to hold back for a while.

When I get a crush, I always, always, ALWAYS, put everything on too thick and usually end up ruining my friendships with guys. xP It kind of sucks, but I really have no one else to blame but me.

It's good you're feeling better about yourself, though. You seem like a pretty cool guy. :) Thanks for commenting! :)

heh heh heh... Da Ella ish Here! said...

*is an idiot and loses comment*
Summery of lost comment: You're being kinda drama-queen there, buy Ilylas anyway.
*feels proud for reading one of your posts...*