Tuesday, June 17, 2008

*yawnz* Maybe I should go back to sleep... (Mission Trip rantness)

I'm tired cuz I got up at 7. Is that not pathetic? *sigh* *yaaaaaaaaaawn* Tiredness. Dx

Anyways, I decided to post a blog this morning. About... I dunno, we'll see.

I did one of my devotional thingies for the youth mission trip I'm doing in July... the little sections seem to be getting shorter, but the amount of pages for 'anticipation' remains the same, approximately 5 pages. But the reading devotion part things remains pretty long... the one I did today is about reverence. A deep respect. So, it spoke about how to show reverence to God, and the importance of showing reverence to higher authorities, like trip leaders, and local church leaders, and/or experienced mission trip peoples, on the trip. It'll be one interesting thing, I'll say that much. I've never been on a mission trip before, and although I'm not going out of the country, and about only... maybe anywhere between 5-8 hours out of the state, I know this is going to be a very different environment. And I'm good with that. I need to learn to be 'still' though, you know? Being at peace and having contentment with and in God is part of reverence to him... and so is listening to spiritual instruction, and praying to him.

So that's what I learned in my devotional today. (Our 'mission trip homework', heh...)

I miss Rose. (I hate coding right now... my brain does not have the capacity to code this morning... *yawn*) She is my bestest friend, and now her phone's like, dead or something, because she wasn't picking up yesterday... I hope everything's alright. (Her brother did something to the laptop, so she can't use that either... *headdesk*) I'm glad she's coming up in July for the trip though... even though the leaders will probably split everyone up. And I will show them reverence... even when I don't want to... but that's not right. Because I should want to. And I guess I do, if I do show them. I'll just miss hanging out with Rose all day, while working and stuffs... I heard it gets EXTREMELY hot over there... ugghhhh... South Dakota. And plus there's a dress code. DX Which means, even with temperatures, we are not permitted to wear any form of 'innappropriate' tank tops, or shorts... I don't need to worry about the shorts, cuz I don't wear shorts anyway, though I might want to once I get there. But the tops... yeah. My typical summer outfit:

Spaghetti strap tank top (with a built-in bra, so no need for extra... well, you know. And yes, those things still work for me, xP) and capris/skort.

I guess I'll be okay with it. Sweaty, but okay...

In all honesty, I'm really looking forward to this. It'll be like a week-long CareFest. Except, we're helping people directly... in Rapid City, South Dakota. It'll be a very new experience, and I think I'm going to like it. But I really do have a lot of spiritual preparation yet to do...

Well, talk at ya'll later.

-"Kim" (ALY)


Dibsy said...


Expect a few comments on me, since I'm a bum. I don't get out of the computer much, since that's where I watch me anime.

Anime costs too much these days, the economy is just out to ruin our fun! :*(

Your blog is pretty good. I wonder why not many people have commented on it yet...?

Aly K. said...

Heh. I like watching anime online too... I get it all from the free sites... heheh... ^^"

Yeah... *sigh* Yup, let's blame the economy...

Thanks so much! <333 I really appreciate your commenting. :) I'm not surprised. I don't mind if anyone comments, though I'm very glad you've commented, but I'm going to keep blogging regardless. It's like a journal, except, online. And people can see it. But, it's way easier to hide (oddly enough...) from your parents or younger brother! ^^" Lolz.

Thanks, once again, so much for commenting. :) I really do appreciate it.

Dibsy said...

You're welcome. ^^

I like to write in the internet better. I don't have much consistency(sp?)with real life diaries or journals. (why?)

Anyways, am I the youngest person here in Blogger?! I turned 11 a few months ago, and I can't find anybody younger than me. (cries0

I think you're older than me. I skimmed down a bit, and I think you're about 13 or 14...?

Anyways, JA NE!!!

('ja ne' means 'see you later' in japanese, if you didn't know)

Aly K. said...


Lol, I respect that. Age doesn't matter much to me, though, it's rather reassuring to have someone your age with you online, I do admit, :)

Well, I am 13. It's okay. 11 was the year I became internet-addicted. O.O xD You could say that, at least.

I'm sure you can find some people on Blogspot around your age. I think it's really cool that you write so awesomesaucely online. :)