Wednesday, December 24, 2008

*presses those electric heart-startthingstoblog* REVIVE! MERRY CHRISTMAS!/HAPPY HOLIDAYS! (And life-musings.)

Promise to self and others:


Ai'ight, sorry guys for being gone forever... Dx

I love you guys, though! Seriously!

Leanne has been having internet issues for a very long while nowzzz, so it ish sad. D':

But Rose and her family are coming up for Christmas/New Year! ^^

And it shall be amazing!

I'm so glad for the Christmas season be here. It's always such a great, hopeful, joyful time for me. And, like all breaks from school/holidays a good time for reflection, writing, reading, talking, etc.

I do that anyway, but I have more time now.

And now, for some really irrelevant/relevant? musings of stuffs.

Numero uno, Leanne and I talk on the phone 24/7. I've been neglecting a lot of my other friends lately... :'( And the internet. Especially my internet friends. Which is bad. And I shouldn't do that.

But the phone-roleplay (which started out as a parody of our characters out of various roleplays I've joined/mainly "In Their Eyes" on we do now really has me thinking.

I've always got dark, messed-up characters, with messed-up lives, and messed-up everything else. Plus, I'm a Christian (and YES, this has to do with something, it has to do with EVERYTHING) and they don't follow my own moral standards. I've been a pretty darkish person since around two years ago or longer, a little confused, a littl culture-shocked because I was either sheltered or 100% obliviously and happily naiive up until around fifth grade.

Probably a little bit of both. But when my parents decided to let me be a little less sheltered, I guess I just kept being blissfully ignorant/oblvious/naiive on my own.

Psh, they still think they shelter me.

But, I ruin that kind of effort. And they appreciate my deeper thoughts on things as a teenager, even when they may not agree, or have the same thoughts. They're my parents. I think they're glad I talk to them. If I talk to my mom, then she's mostly listening because I often talk to her after a couple cups of coffee in the morning after an entire week of school and I'm dancing and jumping off of kitchen chairs while ranting about "political issues" and friends and a whole bunch of other things and writing... etc...

But, back on topic.

So I'm dark. And I can take all the dark stuff. I read so many "problem novels" now, it's not even funny. I'm just too serious sometimes! My sense of humor is pretty harsh sometimes.

But I used to do this kind of writing/reading/talking because:
1. I was utterly depressing/depressed? in sixth grade
2. Due to this, I made my poor depressing already Mary-Sue'd character Kim become my emo self and do the morbid crud I couldn't get my own self to do
3. Later on, I read/wrote this kind of stuff to understand real troubled people without asking troubled people I know, or experiencing it myself (psych-preparation; YA fiction is how I RESEARCH[ED?])
4. Now I just don't know why. Might still be the research. And maybe for the sake of experiencing.

But here's what I know. As I keep on doing this, things just don't manage to phase anymore. Like my friend's "legal murder" comment on abortion, just the matter-of-fact voice of hers in that comment, just how unattached it was, like there was nothing to be done, nothing to be said, just a horrible fact-of-life, without the emotion, that's just how everything's starting to become for me.

What I realize is that there are REAL people who live this way. Who do what Leanne's and my characters do. Who have gone through the things we put them through. The people who live those miserable lives and keeping going through their vicious cycles until they conciously try to stop and move on and change their life, escape their circumstances and start over, do NOT have the luxury of acting it out, of pretending, the luxury of saying on the phone or Personal Messaging saying to "take a break" from it, or to press that fake rewind button when things get too intense for the writer/speaker's sake.

I know it was wrong for me to WISH for misfortune for myself for the sake of empathy, to truly understand a person's pain. But it's better than continuing drama for the sake of continuing it. It's like a real person's miserable life is just a petty thing to play with to a person who has a relatively decent life. Melody Carlson, Jodi Picoult, what is with these women? Why do they write what they write? Why do I write what I write? How do I keep doing that?

I want to be more aware. And I want to understand. But I don't want to have a terrible life, even if it means it would be more inspiring, at least in my own opinion, if I overcame it.

My dad is a perfect example.

Problem is, he's STILL overcoming. He's nearing fifty years old, and things that happened all the way back in his childhood, in his teenage years, STILL are with him, even as he overcomes. He has Christ in his life, and being a follower of the Lord does NOT make your life easier. It makes it easier to bear and shows you the higher meaning of WHY you were put on earth, WHY you go through what you do. It shows you that you were put here to accomplish something beautiful, to show the hope you received in HIM to others. You do not turn on a light and hide it underneath a bowl. You show it to others.

That is why is Christmas is beautiful too.

I always had a recovery story for my character locked up in my head if they ever got that far into a story or a roleplay. They just keep stumbling and falling and crawling, and trying to go through life on their own. Therefore, they keep falling. None of them know how to deal with their life. They're angry, they're hurting, and they just don't understand. This is a terrible stereotype, I suppose for people who actually do that. I don't know. I just don't believe you can ever fully understand your life unless you come to the Lord. But that's not what everyone believes, though. And I understand that, but that's what the Bible says, though, and I wholeheartedly believe all of it. I will admit, I don't agree with everything the Old Testament says, ("eye for an eye, rapist should marry victim, lots of incest... o.eee") but even the New Testament clears up some of the Old Testament, through Jesus's teachings, especially in Matthew. Pretty sick stuff in the Old Testament. I believe all of Creation, though. (The incest thing gets cleared up when more people get born, because... I suppose all that stuff happened because there was like, no one on earth yet. And Adam and Eve--NOT MADE RELATED.)

Off topic once again...

Like Melody Carlson, one of my new favorite authors, who, like myself, has her own overuse of topics, her own set of stereotypes due to her overuse of topics, I believe life was not meant to be perfect. Sure, there was the fall of the world. But God gave us free will. And that meant risking His people to become tempted by His enemies, and then choose to sin against him. But He didn't want robots to worship Him. He wanted the people to do so WILLINGLY. He brings us closer through even tragedy, turns evil into good. Nothing is a coincidence. Nothing that happens wasn't meant to happen. When we're made, God already knows whether or not we're going to choose Him over the world by the time we've reached the end of our lives. God knows EVERYTHING.

And so the road bumps in our lives can just shoot us right up to Him. Or, they can make us go bitter and angry and hurt and stay in our miserable life-cycles.

When I think about it, my dad's life has probably fascinated me for so long that it makes me put these sorts of things into my writing, and my reading. When I say "I don't wanna ask troubled people/people who have gone through the terrible stuff I think about too much", I realize after a few moments, my dad's probably been through it all. He really inspires me. He's still not always consistent, but I know he's clinging to the cross, and I know he's truly trying to change. And he's human. It's beautiful.

I love my mom too, and she's a very wise, kind of traditional sometimes, but open woman. My parents are great.

I just hope my brother doesn't go through the culture shock I went through, though I think he's past that now. I think he's already developing those kinds of "worldly" problems, probably influenced by me, my music, my talking on the phone, his little internet games... turning into a full-fledged dork, but he's so smart, funny, but so boy-ish! I just hope he learns to understand what's truly important. My brother and my mom have always had a really close relationship, and my dad and him can always watch TV, comedy shows, play games and stuff together.

This Christmas, I'm really grateful for saving Grace, for my family, and my friends who put up with me all the time.

Love you all! Have a very Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!




Dibsy said...

I'm pretty twisted as a Christian too. (when i write i try to be realistic, there is no saint i have ever written about) Maybe someone attractive, but never a saint. (a shy girl, yes, but not necessarily a saint :P) (she accidentally became a vampire XD)

Aly K. said...

Nah, that's fine. I have a couple Christian characters. One of them is kind of neglectful, but she tries to be motherly to everyone and they just do a whole bunch of crappy stuff while she's gone, which is a lot, because she's anywhere from 18-22, has multiple jobs and attempts to go to college...

Written about vampires too...

Yeah... Twisted Christians. Wonderfulness that we are. *sigh*

Merry Christmas. :)

Still, I try not to make everything entirely depressing, though... though most of the time, it is... heh...

Leah said...

Aly, our phone roleplays are always depresssing. They used to be funny... then... yeah...k Aly and I used to be comic relief but wahtever.

Aly K. said...

*sigh* Thank you, Lea. We can change that, you know! *sigh* Plus... plus... YOU GAVE BRYANT AND LIBBY MONO, OKAY?!


Sorriez about that.


I don't think writing about depressing and bad stuff makes us bad Christians... it's just the light we put it in, the way we write about the stuff, the way we consider it and think about it... although it says it is best to avoid to think about such things... still... *sigh*

Okay, maybe I need to clear up some stuff. But real life has issues!

Take Melody Carlson, for example. She's a really good CBA novelist, yet she doesn't write goody-goody Christian books. She writes about real, big, huge, issues in the real world and how her Christian characters handle them, even when they mess up. Which they do.

Yeah, I recommend her to everyone now, though. She's really great. :)

But, I guess she's not always right about everything... her books are pretty good, though. And I love the realistic aspects of them. She purposely tries to write about those sorts of issues... *sigh*


Well, here's something random and unnecessary:


Leah said...

People get sick! And Nick Petera (sp?) is amazing! I love him!

Aly K. said...

Yes, he IS amazing. xD

Dibsy said...



Aly K. said...


Niceness, peepz.


Yes, Nick *insertlastnamehere* Is amazing.

Dibsy said...

(is still confused)

Aly K. said...

Dude on youtube. Don't mind him.
