Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Me and My Flaws and Jared and My Brother and God and life and math tests

Let me start with Districts, the Christian conference I went to in Duluth this weekend. It was really, really awesome. I did learn a lot. I've gotta learn how to defend my faith better though. And... just learn how to be more consistent in my actions and what God wants me to do and who He wants me to be. I need to be more patient, less critical, less... erm, sometimes crudely humored. That's just an inconsistency thing. The whole James chapter 3 thing, taming the tongue and all that... important stuff.

Also, gotta be less judgmental... less quick to talk... less hypocritical...

I know it sounds like I'm just listing off flaws, but you know, it's better for me I think, to think of what I need to improve and how than just... sit and wallow in it. I used to do that all the time.

Need to read my Bible more consistently. Definitely that one. .-.

Okay, Districts peepz didn't tell me that exactly, but that's just what I think I need to change. I might talk about getting there a little later. (My hypocrisy coming out there... xP )

Soooo... today.... standardized/statewide/whatever test for math. xP I screwed up on a constructed response question (where it's open ended and you have to fill it out yourself and show your work and stuff). So that kinda sucked. But it was okay.

My brother and "Jared" sorta kinda fought today. Jared is a jerk. xP My brother can be annoying and obnoxious to the eighth graders, but gosh dangit, he jabbed him in the neck with his nail and Jared punches him! Little.. little... person. *sigh*

I'm glad he got sent to the principal's. And my little bro's alright, it's just... *sigh* Stupid Jared.

Sam 1 sitch is getting kind of resolved.

Man, I'm so dang weird... just the way I talk.. what I say. I want to be able to reach out to people and share what's right and true and all that, but I hold some of it back and blurt some of it out during school. Most of the time when I keep it to myself, I feel like I'm doing something wrong, and when I say what I do, it sounds like I'm not saying it right... and I probably am not. Seriously.

I need to learn how to just... care. And just listen.

My friend/our leader in the room my little group had up at Districts, Chrissy, she's about... late 20's somewhere, but she's so cool. She's really awesome, really God-minded, and she understands everything I tell her. We had this great conversation about things and... she really understands.

I'm still struggling with just learning how to listen and not talk with my various friends who have various struggles in life. It's hard... I'm just... I talk too much, I'll put it there.

Like even Leah and I. (I hope you don't mind me mentioning you). She can be kind of quiet sometimes, but she's a really great listener. And I'm a good talker when it comes to good friends. So we have a good thing going when we're having conversations, though we try to balance out the talking/listening now. It really helps me sometimes.

But more than once have I been asked just to listen, and talked about by adults when I bring up my own personal "issues" with my modes of talking too much, about how I need to just... listen and let people vent sometimes.

I'll suck as a psychologist if I don't, as well. But right now, being a good FRIEND is what matters.

And that whole "psychologist" thing gets in the way too. Because I sometimes analyze my friends and their problems in my head, and then I talk, and they don't want advice... which tunes right back into the listening thing. I'm so... urggghhh grrrrrrrr.

So there's my first thing to improve:




And really, prayer is a big thing too... I went to an eight-hour prayer conference/rally/thing, where this guy who is joined in this group for praying for the country spoke at my church.

There was a river that ran through a village in Africa, that was poisonous and white, and when the people prayed for it, and lived rightly for God, the river went clean and clear.

But only in the segment that ran through the town.

Okay, you can say that it's a coincidence, but I won't. And I never will. Prayer is powerful, speaking to God, it's really powerful...

Things I've Learned from Various People and the Bible about prayer:

-Prayer must and can be honest, to a T. It's okay to have really angry, or really sad prayers. Even Jesus prayed this way at some points("Oh God, Oh God, why have you forasken me?" I think was it...).
-The best prayer, though, is one prayed with total faith in God. Like the people in Africa, and the time I gave my dad to God... (I sort of prayed something similar to something I read in the book "Crystal Lies" by Melody Carlson... erm, long story. But God really did help me and him.) Basically, in the book, the main character, a co-dependent mother of a drug addict, lets her son go in her heart, trusting God to care for him for sure, even through all of the difficult, terrible times.

My situation was a little different (not a mother, Dad's not a drug addict...) but it was something worthy of a prayer like that. And the peace... the peace that flowed over me when I truly let it go. I knew it was real.

And my dad came home safe and sound that night.

I know God's there. I've gotta work on my prayer life.

I think if I have more to say (which I probably will) I'll put it on another post. You guys are all awesome to keep reading me like this. I love you guys. :) I hope you're all doing well, and thank you so much for being there like you always are. :)

*huggles everyone*


katara5 said...


Gosh, your posts always remind me how much I need to improve my faith, too. It's just a journey we're on. It doesn't matter how many times we stumble, there were ALWAYS be someone there whether we're on the path or not. You just gotta find the people that'll help you back on the path.

But yeah, I just hope and pray for you. I can tell right now, you are going to steer your life in the right direction. You won't be lost at the wheel like me ^^'.

0.o Sorry long comment. But uhm... I think that's it. lol

Aly K. said...

:) Thanks so much. I'm glad you think so... I hope I'm on the right road yet. *sigh* And I hope you'll be led back to God's path for you, whatever you're struggling with. :)


Leah said...

*strangle hugs*

I know you can do this, Aly. You're such a strong person. I'll be praying for you!

Aly K. said...

*stranglehugs both of you*

You guys are awesome. :)

Thanks Leah. It'll help. :)

Nathaniel said...

Please take no offence to what I'm about to say.

WHO GOD WANTS YOU TO BE!? God wants you to be you, and you to be happy. If he wanted every person to be like something then he wouldn't have bothered with free will in the first place.

When I think about god, I like to see us as an experiment. An experiment at the different kinds of love and feeling could be created by letting emotions run wild. I also just kind of like to see god in protective glasses and a lab coat, mad scientist style. Just makes him feel more like a fun guy.

Anyways, God wants you to take a path that will make you happy, that will shape the Aly of today into the Aly of tomorrow, not the Aly of today into generic perfect drone of tomorrow.

Also, don't rely on god to do things for you, shape them with your own hands.

Other than that. *strangles* oh, uh, I mean *strangle hugs* Yeah, yeah that one. Hope everything turns out all right.

(word verification: Squalls.)

Aly K. said...

Verification is very fun. 8)

I kind of agree with that too, that God wants us to be ourselves. To be individual people. But... He wants us to be ourselves IN HIM. We aren't perfect. And if we ran wild out on our own, things would be... well, the way they are right now. And people in general need to improve.

And my personal self, not even I myself am satisfied with the way I am. Some of that is unncessary (low and girlish self-confidence/insecurities), but some of it I really do need to change. If I change the way I do something, and it's for the better, it doesn't change who I am, it just makes me change in a positive way.

I have to learn how to listen to people better, to pray better, and to defend my faith better. I have a whole lot more, but I won't list those right now.

*strangled...* Ahhhhhhhhhh*erm, no, stranglehugged!* Tight... ahhh. Lol. x3 :)

*stranglehugsback* But thank you for your comment, Nattie. :) You're a really encouraging person.

Nathaniel said...

You should always move to improve yourself. But I think you might be looking in the wrong direction. Defending your faith doesn't make you a good person, being kind to others does. If somebody truely cares, then it doesn't matter what your faith is. And by the way, running wild hasn't caused problems, people crowding to god for answers did. Almost every conflict is caused by religious problems. Religion puts up barriers between people. You can always say that the people who act out of line are misguided, and have lost their path, but that doesn't excuse what religion has done to tear people apart. If we were free from these barriers and accepted each other's faiths,then it wouldn't matter, no faith would need defending.

Unfortunetly, that won't happen any time soon. As soon as barriers fall down, the same people who cling too closely to religion, will need something else to cling too, because that's how they operate, they need a purpose to live. But nobody needs a purpose. To live for yourself, and those around you is enough.

Aly K. said...

You know, you're right in a way. Religion may get in between, has gotten in between, and DOES get between people, cause gigantic problems sometimes. Just a glance at history tells this quite easily.

But truly, it's not religion that I'm talking about when I write here. It's about my personal relationship with Jesus, how I'm doing in it, well or not.

And going to God for answers is perfectly right. You just have to look and listen to His word. Sometimes it seems like we can't hear Him, but He's always there. And He has the right answers.

And it is not surprising that people don't always agree with God. It's in our nature not to. But we also made in the image of God.

Romans 1:20
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

We are without excuse. Many people don't believe in God. Many people don't believe in religion. But they, and I, and you, and everyone, are without excuse. No one is exempt from that truth.

And like I've quoted before, several times:

James 2:26
"As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."

You CAN do one without the other, not together; each on their own might be good, but not good enough. Dead.

Good deeds without faith, may still influence someone well. It still might be good for them. But the motive... the motives of the person doing them, it counts. It's okay to do something because it's right, because you should. And because it's better to give than to receive, you will feel good. And you will have done something that has influenced someone well.

And true religion is this:
James 1:27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Look after orphans and widows in distress and keep oneself from being polluted in the world. Is that the rigid, over-ruling stuff that people seem to think that Christianity is? No! Is that the way Christianity right now is? Not always, unfortunately. But it should be what we're aiming for. Help others. Serve others. Love others.

Life is all about relationships. God wants us to love others. We want to love others. We want to love God. He first loved us. And:

Matthew 19:19b
"Love your neighbor as yourself."

Nothing diminishes God's love. Nothing diminishes true love, which comes from God. Nothing diminishes the true love that people can have, when it is truly meant to be, and daresay, from God.

Disagreements with something so important CAN and WILL and DO and HAVE torn and tear people apart. But it isn't impossible for people who think differently to not fall apart like that.

Aly K. said...

It's quite possible that they'll never agree. But in the end, it really is a choice. Living for God is a choice, which changes your entire life. And it doesn't always seem right to some people. I understand that.

I don't want to be torn from anyone because of this. I just want to love them, I just want to be there, to love them with Jesus' love, to show them the Lord, and let the Holy Spirit work on them... and then, let them make their decisions, because that's all I can do.

I live for God, and I live for people. I love God, and I love people. Not all people find that right, but I do. I will not change that. God has given me those answers. I know and accept that some people will not make the decision to live for Him. But I have. Like I already said, I can show the Light, and God's word does not turn up void, but I can't make other people's decisions.

I love God, and I love people, no matter how they are, who they are, what they think, what they do, because that's how God loves us, every single person on this Earth. I may falter sometimes, but God does not. He loves us no matter what. He doesn't want us to just be robots; he lets us make our own decision, whether or not we want to follow Him. But He wants us to follow Him. He wants us to choose the Life that honors Him, so that we will be with Him for eternity, and not the other fate.

I respect that other people will make other decisions. And I will love them just the same, because that's what God does. He loves us so much that He wanted to save us.

I love God. I love people. And I will let people make their decisions. I will speak and show the Light, but I can't change anyone's mind myself. God loves me unconditionally. And I have to love Him the same, and so, that Love will pour from me to others. Loving and serving God, and loving and serving others, while sharing God is my point in life. Love. God.

I love you, and God loves you and nothing will ever change that.

Aly K. said...

1 Corinthians 13

1 Corinthians 13
1If I speak in the tongues[a] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,[b] but have not love, I gain nothing.
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.