Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rambling rant rants about stuffs

New characters-

The Church Group Kids- These are the people who I go to youth group and Sunday School with. The only person I ever got SUPER close to there, was Rose, and I got somewhat close to Mark, I suppose. I know a lot about everyone there, and they're my friends. They are close to me, and I pray for them, and I care for them. They're really awesome, and come from different schools in the nearby city, and they're all pretty close to each other too. The group spans (in the summer, when youth group is out) from kids out of sixth grade, and going into ninth grade. In the schoolyear, the grades for middle school ministries spans from sixth through eighth grade.

Bella and Edward- (I gave them these codenames, because they have names relevant to the Twilight series, though they definitely aren't these names, though they might as well be...) A couple whom has been going out for 14 months, and are going into ninth grade.

Bella- A girl going into ninth grade who goes to the church, and is an amazing person, whom takes her boyfriend everywhere. (and her father follows them as well...) She's close to her father, and her caring boyfriend. She once had an obssessive crush on him, writing hers and his name in a youth retreat devotional booklet in hearts as her 'notes'. She likes writing, and is close to her friends, can have a bit of an attitude, and is really an individual person.

Edward- A boy who plays guitar, has awesome hair, and is (unfortunatelyforthosewhosecretlyfangirlspazzoverhim) boyfriend to Bella. He is extremely dedicated to her. He may be silent at times, but once he opens up, one realizes that he is a great guy, funny, and obviously dedicated to Bella.

Macy (remind me if I've used this name already... ^^")- She plays bass, she's 17, and she was homeschooled up until 10th grade. She goes to a Christian school now, and wishes she could cut her uniform skirt... She's very youthful and innocent in some ways, and in other ways, she is an intense, dark, intriguing artist. She writes amazing stories and lyrics, and draws incredible pictures, and has a wild imagination, due to being raised off of drama/sci-fi's, and Star Wars, and likes most sci-fi things. She is an incredible person that I admire and sympathize toward, during her family life at times.

I'm no longer addicted to soft rock. However, there is no lacking of fluffy love songs, however, I do still love my soft rock. And old Coldplay. And Anna Nalick, and Ingrid Michaelson, and all them peoplez.

Anyway, my newer-ish music interests, or revivals... or just further interests... are stemmed from mix CDs of Christian Rock/Metal that this dude from my church, Ed (who is absolutely hothothothothohtohot), made for us to ride on the rides to and from wherever we went in our big vans during travel, like the eight hour trip from MN to SD. The music was great. And I had a ton of stuff I wanted to look up after I'd heard both (or however many... ) of the CDs there were.

I suddenly fell in love with some of the Skillet songs I'd heard over and over from one of my other friends, Macy, made me listen to. And Flyleaf. And learned about some other awesomesauce Christian rock-ish bands, like FM Static... and hearing all the guys in the back singing 'Love Addict' by Family Force 5 was hilarious and rockin'sauce. Though it annoyed most of the other guys.

So, I like rock-i-er-ish-item-music-thing right now. But still a lot of Alt. Rock. But more things like Flyleaf, and Paramore, music like that. And new modern-y-ish stuff too... but I've almost completely rid my music of hip-hop/rap. And I skip most of my Linkin Park songs right now too. O: Which is kinda sad. But they're negative and all that... I use most of that music for my characters and other people who listen to it all the time. Kris has been obssessing over the YouTube playlist I made for the roleplay we're both in, and she finally finished listening to it today, or at least I think she did. It has 86 songs on it, I believe. But, of course, YT deleted some of the vids, like YT does, so I've gotta go edit at some point... (xP toopid procrastination/laziness disorder.)

*sigh* I'm listening to Tonight by FM Static. It is sad. Especially with the movie it's using in the vid. (A Walk To Remember... I really need to watch that... we have all these movies that we own, yet I don't ever watch them... so I gotta do that with this one... )


^teh vid

I love that song. It is so sad... I had an idea of what it meant... the guy falls in love with a girl, and she witnesses to him, and they're in love, and she dies, and it's sad... :'(

But I love it... *sniff* :'(

Well, at least that's how the movie seems right now...

Anyvayz, I just thought I'd leave a random blog. God Bless you all! :) <3333



Dibsy said...

You sound very religious! Are you Christian or Catholic? I'm a proud Christian.
God bless you and everyone else!!

Aly K. said...

I'm a Christian. I'm not religous, I have a relationship with Christ. 8) :) I am so glad to be in Christ. It really keeps you going... :)

Yup! God Bless you and everyone else, too! ^^ lolz.


.sienna. said...

Bless you too, Aly. :]

Did you see the Avatar finale? I saw it (cried the last 14 minutes and into an epi. of George Lopez) and saw it today (Cried from the reunion to coronation to five minutes after.) And that was like, SOBBING.

Bleh, I miss Avatar...and BTW are you one of the girls in the pictures on the blog? I remember you having brown hair...lol

Aly K. said...

Lolz, Sienna. :) Yes, I did see the finale! It's sad that Avatar's over... and yup, I'm in the pictures, xD ^^

Awww... I miss Avatar too, but I think I'll live. Heh... Last episode. Man. That sure went by fast...

.sienna. said...

I am not over Avatar. I cry everytime I see the finale. ARHGHGHG. I was sad then had this whole "I'm so old" epidemic. And have been listening to some WICKED Avatar Piano music^^

Plus...expect some YUE cosplay soon from me...hehehe...

Which one are youuuu? And BTW I am HOOKED on Twilight now...and am part of Team Edward~!

Aly K. said...

Awesomeness. O.O Kewlz! ^^ Yue. x3

Hmm... Well, I was Team Switzerland. I'm part Swiss and Wolf/Loch Ness. ^^'