Monday, August 25, 2008

Randomness. Rant. Life. Thoughts. Today. Yeah.

My creativity died in that title...

Anyway, I'd like to let ya'll know, I'ma be pretty much not on very often starting tommorrow, due to being in DC for my cousin's wedding on Tuesday, and after that, on September 2nd, when our plane gets back, I'll be heading to school. o.e Which kinda sucks.

But I'm sure the wedding will be awesomely... ^^

I am really looking forward to this now. I'm gonna see relatives I haven't seen for years, and all that good stuff... and...


Okay, secretly, I really wanna find someone to dance with at the reception. That's one of my eveel boy crazy goals.


Hopefully not related to me. O.O Most likely not... we don't have a lot of guys in the family that aren't about 18 years older than me or anything more than my brother's age. o.e

Anyway... *sigh*

Today I thought about Rose. And Mark. And Jared. I really miss 'em all...

Mark's probably spazzed out because he couldn't make it to the BD party. It wasn't his fault he couldn't make it... *sigh*

I put some more songs on my playlist for Rose... heh. You know, stuff like the stuff we used to sing back in summer of '06, after I discovered MUSIC!, when I talked to her daily for hours upon hours on the phone... good times. *sigh*

Teen Titans fanvids. D': I miss her... *sigh* :'( *cries*

I saw Jared while running errands today. o.e He was with his friend, who has the same name as 'Kim's' brother, David. (Had a crush on him in fifth grade... LOOOONNNGGG story, not to be told right now) Meh. I waved awkwardly, like I was confused/PO'd or something, and then went into the post office and did my post-office duties and all dat.

I was so tempted to just walk over and talk to them...

So that's what I planned, after I went to get my books and return them to the library. And they were gone already, of course. David and Jared have been hangin' out a heck of a lot this summer. *sighs*

I still feel like I screwed things up between Jared and I. Maybe I'm wrong... but I just hope things go well this schoolyear. I still wanna be friends with him. And I'll feel quite hurt if he starts acting like a jerk to me this year.

Ugh. Maybe I SHOULD stay away from guys... but I just can't decide. I think it'd be healthier if I just had a crush on someone... then I'd just watch them, and think about them, and not about M-Word and every hawt guy I ever see... xP I've become too vain, I think. *sigh* I don't care about how a person looks if I date them. But I now know what the world thinks makes someone attractive...

But I guess I still don't care. I have my own preferences. Heh... *sigh*

I'm sighing a lot. o.e

xP I think I'm at the very beginning of falling in... like I'm walking toward the edge that makes you swept in the world, but being pulled back and forth from right and wrong, and I KNOW what's right, and wrong, yet I contemplate them. But I always stop myself before I get in.

Even though my humor has become increasingly crude. And I'm contemplating tolerance on certain issues that I know are wrong. I love God. And I need to focus. I can't go through life without God. That would kill. I wouldn't BE here if I didn't have faith in Him. I wouldn't be ALIVE if he wasn't there. Nor would anyone else...


The most frustrating, depressing, GAH! D:< (ish a face) boards ever:

xPPPP (xP= also a face)

Granted, I learned a lot about certain events from those threads, but still. D:< GAH.


Please don't shoot me for being immature about this right now... *sigh*


I really wanna see my cousins and everyone. Though it'll be awkward to have more of those cheek-pinching aunts you really don't know who go all "Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you since you were a baby!" when they see me... o.e But everything will be good. ^^


Well, school's comin' up... Good luck to all. God Bless. :) ^^

~Aly-chan, "Kim"

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Suck It Up by Brian Meehl Summary Rant-Like-Item (LONG)

As requested by Dibsy.
(spoilers ahead)

Anyway, Suck It Up, a novel by Brian Meehl, is about a vampire named Morning McCobb. Trust me. This is NOT a normal vampire novel, but, I think unorthodox vampire novels are becoming so common, that they're practically normal... but this book surpasses "normal", creepy, horror novels, that we believe belong as vampire books.

The main character, Morning, is a skinny, comic book-loving, kind of geeky guy, who graduates at the beginning of the book, from the International Vampire League. (IV League... xD) He's a SangV (human blood virgin, has never drunk human blood; not even animal blood, though he once tried to taste another students Blood Bull animal blood drink, and did not have a great reaction toward it...), vegan vampire, who drinks a soy-based blood substitute, called Blood Lite. He's optimistic, kind, caring, who once had huge hopes and dreams to become a superhero, and a real-life superhero, a firefighter, after watching them risk their lives to save others after the Twin Towers crashed in 2001, having lived in New York City all his life, until he was changed. He'd lived in NY, and mostly at an orphanage for boys, St. Giles, where he was taken care of mainly by his favorite nun, Sister Flora.

He was tossed from foster home to foster home, and often brought back to St. Giles. The only way for him to feel like he was home again, was to visit the Williamsburg Bridge, his favorite bridge in NYC, because "it's no one's favorite," and because of a bedtime story Sister Flora once made up for him, while he was very young, about the 'Williams Bird Bridge'. (read the book; you'll understand.)

Until one Thanksgiving. It was last year... it was then, that the quiet, geeky teen, was turned into a SangFU (blood "flub-up"). An accidental vampire.

His "creator's" intention was not to create a blood-child, but to just enjoy his "dessert". However, that was not the case.

Morning, after realizing what he had become, resisted giving into his 'new' instincts, trying to starve himself off of not drinking blood. And then he was rescued by the Leaguers.

The only thing he'd ever drink, was Blood Lite, the soy-based substitute to human or animal blood. The Leaguer way was very different than the Loner way, the rare ones who lived by way of the "old" vampire commandments, the 'true' dark creatures of the night. The Leaguers' motto was "Drink Culture, Not Life." And they followed it well, blending in quietly with Lifers (mortals; humans) throughout their immortal lives, and keeping their vampirism in secret.

But Luther Birnam, the president of IVL, has plans for a Worldwide Out Day, where vampires would reveal their true identities. And his choice to be the first "Outed" vampire, is none other than...

Morning McCobb.

Thrust into the public, without warning, he gets on his way becoming a huge celebrity, the first true vampire celebrity, the posterchild of the "innocent" vampires. Of the Leaguers.

But that was only the beginning...

Along with his publicist, Penny Dredful, came her daughter, aspiring filmmaker, determined, and filled with attitude, Portia Dredful. She tags along, on Morning's journey to various events, showing off his powers of cell diffrenciation (also known as 'shape-shifting', to Lifers and Loners), to prove he was a vampire, and doing interviews, and trying his best to prove the vampires were not dangerous.

However, the girl who started out as a "story vampire", began growing into something more...

And not everyone wanted the vampires to come out.

Ikor DeThanatos, the only Loner who did not sign the treaty that ended the war between Loners and Leaguers, is determined to punish Morning for going against the Old Commandments.

As Morning gets closer to Portia, he begins to encounter the dangers and pleasures of bloodlust, a deathly combination of envy of human will and dreams, and the thirst of a vampire.

As his last event as the guinea pig of outing vampires approaches, the danger from DeThanatos, and giving into the worst of Leaguer vampire temptations, begins to heat up.

And that's all I'm gonna tell you people. ^^ I tried to keep it to... erm... minimal maximum spoilering... heh. Anyway, I hope if you read it, you'll enjoy it. I liked it. I love Morning. I love Portia (as a character; and she pwns Bella Swan... heheh...), I love Morning/Portia. Great book. Srsly.

I didn't delve into the deeper aspects of the book, but I might do that eventually. All I gotta say is REEEEADDD IIIITTT.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Gah. D: (Suck It Up by Brian Meehl was amazing. o.o) rant-likeitem.short.

Hello people. I'm sorry I haven't been updating a lot lately. I love you guys. You're all really great for reading my blog...

Today, I finished the book Suck It Up, by Brian Meehl. It was awesome. I loved the characters, the story was original, it was just GREAT.

Morning McCobb= pwnsome.

Portia Dredful>Bella Swan

Not obssessed with Morning romantically, actually has a healthy ounce a fear, confident, determined.

I do enjoy Twilight, but I had a very bad case of Bella hate, due to her obssession with Edward, and willingness to give up EVERYTHING, family, friends, home, humanity/mortality/etc. for another person... but, most things were solved in Breaking Dawn. Still... Well, I'm glad everything turned out well for them.

Suck It Up was pretty good, to me. :) ^^' 8) I'll probably rant about more later...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Blog Neglect...

New Characters

*I've mentioned this one before, just never named him... I think... hopefully... anywayyyy...*

Max- A dude who was my second boyfriend. Yah. Cuz... yah. But anyway, we're all just friends now, and he constantly wears a hat. My friends and I (but mostly me) find it absolutely necessary to attempt to remove that hat. And stuffs. Cuz it annoys him. Dislikes Linkin Park, and most depressing bands... with loud screamtasticness... heheh. Really a sweet kid, with an awkward disposition, obssessed with various girls. And has obvious ways of making it known that he likes someone. Liked Rose. And stopped. Liked me. And stopped. Has good guy advice about guys. He liked a random girl at TURTLES. Yet, he's a great guy. Really. He's sweet and nice and... still pretty fun to give a hard time... heh...

I am REALLY sorry about this guys... I haven't been onto blogspot hardly at all lately, and I know I have readers, and I'm really sorry... D': *wipescobwebsaway*

Like Dibsy said, a blog is like a baby... well, but I don't think it needs diapers, or a bottle... but it needs to be fed.

School's starting up again soon for me, and I'll be going to DC from the 26-Sept. 2nd (the day school starts), for a wedding...

This Thursday, I'm going to the zoo with Ella.

And last weekend, Kris (Leanne) and I had a rawkin'sauce time at my church lock-in like-item, and an AMAZING day at Valleyfair! It was called TURTLES, which stands for Totally Unique Recreational Teen Last Event of the Summer

On Friday, we got to my church, messed around on inflatables, then went inside, ate dinner, and played Rock Band. The only thing I could do was sing (and my voice was made of crap that day) , and so we sang... we sang Creep by Radiohead, Wanted by Bon Jovi, I'm So Sick by Flyleaf... all that stuffs. Pretty much all the songs. And the ones that I don't like. *highlydislikeMississippiQueen* But we still went up there. And annoyed this kid from my church named Max, by singing Creep loudly to him the next day on the bus up to Valleyfair, which is like a Six Flags in Minnesota. An amusement park, with rollercoasters, rides that go high up and fast and stuff and water slides and water rides and stuff. That's Valleyfair. I refused to ride anything that went upside down this year. Though I went on one of the awesomest rollercoasters EVER, like I do every year, the Wild Thing.

It looks way cooler when you're on it. Actually, I was about to have a heart attack while I was staring at it, feeling it as it PLUNGED downward, from just watching it, but... I do that every time I see it, even though I've been on it about 8 times now...

Also, during TURTLES, our church got us a Christian Illusionist, Mr. Toby Travis, and he was pretty amazing. I'd seen him before, but, he's always pretty cool. (My church always gets the same entertainment for various things... like the Mega Party/Gran Fiesta outreach to the Hispanics in the city that I go to my church on, yeah, we had the same guy from one time there at TURTLES, which had been about a week and Toby Travis came to Mega Party, I think around... last year, or so. So yah. But they're always cool people who come. ^^)

Valleyfair's Power Tower caused a girl to lose her foot. And she tried to sue them. And they didn't take it down... though they might have been supposed to, but... yeah...

Either way, my dad, his group, (he's a chaperone there) my group, Leanne/Kris being in that group, all went on it...

And they all still have their feet!

I liked Toby Travis's show ending, about how all your deep questions in life are answered when you get saved. Because he was asking a lot of questions right before he got saved like "Why am I here?" or "Where do I go after I die?" "What is my purpose in life?" and he got them all answered when he learned about the Lord and his love and plans for our lives.

I find that pretty awesome. :)

Today, early this morning, my dad started driving with another insurance adjustor friend, to Florida. o.e He's already been called to do a claim. o.e For the tropical storm/hurricane thing. And it was supposed to hit right where Rose was. xPPP D: And she was supposed to start school this week...

I find it amazing how she still manages to have a sense of humor.

"Yeah, here in Florida, we don't get snow days, we get Tropical Storm days."

I'd be like all

"OMC OMC OMC WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sobs* :'( *

I'm praying for them all but...still. xP It's awkward to know my dad's making money of people's houses getting damaged. T.T

I love Rose-chan. We all miss her so much... *sigh* :'(

I'm looking forward to Mega Party/the Zoo this week... it'll be very funness. I love when I have plans during the week. Especially during school. I hate just having to wait until the weekend and sit there all weekend. I always have to be doing something. It gives me something to look forward to during the school-weeks. *sigh*

I have people addiction, too. It may be wrong, but it's more necessary than the computer... much more important. But I don't really give myself time alone, unless I'm in my room drawing/writing/reading, which I hardly ever do... and after at most, an hour and a half, I gotta call Leanne or someone... but mostly Leanne... ^^"

Either way, I'm a friend-neglecter too. xP


I'ma keep praying, and hoping I can live for the Lord this year.

6th Grade- Weird and quiet-ish and depressed-ish/hyper-ish.

7th Grade- Outspoken and more happy, talkative, hyper/deep-ish occasionally/friendly/strong opinions.

8th Grade- ?

Well, we'll see what my insanebrain comes up with this year...

Saturday, August 9, 2008


I'm sorry everyone for not being here for so long... *sigh* I really am. *hugseveryone* I missed you guys.

I've just sort of had writer's block... I mean, I have tons of stuff to write about, and I think quite a few unfinished drafts that I'll never get published, but either way, I've been obssessing over stuff for a while, and it's not goin' well. xP Obssession is icky and bad. And internet addiction. o.e

Either way, I shouldn't be neglecting you awesome people who read my blogs. I missed you guys. *huggles*

Anyway, onto other matters.

I need to focus on my faith in God more, because I'm obssessing over friends, books, and roleplaying. And not even focusing on school, which is coming September 2nd, sadly. I should be reading my Bible, at least looking through verses... *sigh*

Christian peoplez- Anyone got a suggestion of a pre-School Bible book I should read? (As in books IN the Bible, like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc...)

I once read one chapter or so of Proverbs per day throughout the month of May. It was very interesting. That's what the speaker at one of our Christian conferences said would be a good idea for someone who was already developing their faith...

Anyway, I gots a Facebook.

*sigh* Such a terrible place to get addicted to... it's not quite as bad as myspace would be, I think.... heh. I share a MySpace with Kris (Leanne) and Rose. But Rose never logs on... D:


I keep using the same words and phrases over and over...

Well, anyone read the Twilight Series? Did ya'll read Breaking Dawn? *pleasetellmeyoudidn'thateitifyoudid* Anyway, I liked it, but a whole ton of fandom has turned into vicious haters with unkind words, and it is depressing. D':

The Secret Life of the American Teenager. I promised myself I wouldn't watch it... *sigh* I'm hooked. xP Terrible, terrible show. I mean, it's high school at it's worse, where every teenager is having... it, and some of them covering it up with 'Christianity', and a girl getting pregnant... meh.

The only characters I really LIKE-LIKE are Ben, Amy, and Ashley, Amy's younger sister. She's so bluntly... there. She just comes right out and says it, or covers it up. Ben's just... Ben. I like Ben. He's a very sweet boyfriend, with old-fashioned morals, and his dad owns a meat store-thing. Yeah. Amy... I just like Amy because... I'm not sure. She's emotional. I don't really like that she waited so long to tell her parents, but... what could you do?

Honestly, I don't watch these shows for entertainment value... even though I get to yell at the characters a lot... not that they can hear me... Kris and I watch it every Tuesday at 10:30, or whenever it's on, and we always have a... erm... deep-ISH discussion about it after the show is done.

Breaking Dawn was great to me. Even though it was kind of... okay, really bizarre, in some places. But, I don't know... I just really liked all the books. Maybe I'm too obssessed... *sigh*

*huggleseveryone* I promise, I'll be on here more often. Love you guys!

God Bless. :)